We're committed to advancing commute equity in our region and beyond.
We're committed to advancing commute equity in our region and beyond.
Identify yourself as a Priority Commuter by signing up below for an increased chance to win exclusive prizes and incentives. Data has shown us that women, people of color, and lower wage earners are highly represented in this workforce. They are also more likely than other workers to have non-traditional work shifts, such as weekends, evenings, and night shifts, which may not be as adequately served by transportation options. Rho, H. J., Brown, H., & Fremstad, S. (2020, April 7). A Basic Demographic Profile of Workers in Frontline Industries. Center for Economic and Policy Research. |
In 2020, WTA convened an Equity Work Group made up of representatives from WTA member sites to advise our organization on equity-focused employee outreach projects. Based on the recommendations from the Equity Work Group, we are beginning equity-focused employee outreach and engagement at selected WTA member worksites. This engagement will help us understand what commute equity means to our members and our community; gain insight into the specific commute-related needs, barriers, and opportunities of underserved employees; and will help inform future work at WTA and possibly in the wider sustainability community. |