from bike share to employee shuttles, our mobility partners make it easy. |
WTA’s partners are highlighted here. WTA will help you collaborate with these or others to help solve your mobility challenges.
let's get your program up and running. |
carsharingCar2go offers free-floating car sharing options. This service provides short-term access to a car for employees that don’t drive to work and offers limited service islands in Washington County. Interested employers may be able to have vehicles placed at their locations.
community shuttlesRide Connection operates community connector shuttles that bring employees from transit stations to worksites. The North Hillsboro Link and Tualatin Shuttle are two free options for commuters in Washington County.
Corporate mobility managers
WeDriveU offers a range of mobility solutions for employers. They can help you design custom options that they deliver for your employees.
electric bicycles |
electric vehiclesForth is the leading advocate for electric vehicles and can work with you to get your worksite ready for electric cars and bikes.
on-demand carpool matchingScoop is an app-based software that matches commuters who share similar commutes. Schedule AM and PM commutes separately. Use it once a week or every day. Scoop operates in the Bay Area but could expand to Washington County with the right partners.
Universal Pass allows employers to purchase annual TriMet passes at a discounted rate. The cost of each pass is based on the number of employees currently using TriMet for commuting. Pre-tax Payroll Deductions save you and your employees money. Each month, a fixed amount is deducted from employees' paychecks before taxes. Contact Don Rhodes at Trimet for more information.
Transit applianceTransit Appliance is an affordable solution that provides employees arrival times and distances to transportation options around your workplace. All you need is a monitor, internet connection and the $199 Transit Appliance Processor! Contact Chris Smith or WTA Staff to get your custom appliance up and running today!
vanpoolingEnterprise Ride Share is a perfect solution for groups of employees that consistently commute longer distances. Enterprise provides a vehicle that can include several amenities to make this a lower stress, more fun, less expensive way for employees to commute.
emergency rides home for all employees |
Emergency ride home provides a guaranteed ride home (or elsewhere to pick up a relative, for example) when you use public transportation to commute. If you take transit to work and have to leave for a family emergency, TriMet would pay for your cab ride home.* All you have to do is have your company's appointed representative fill out a simple voucher. If you're not sure who that is ask your HR rep or your company's employee transportation coordinator. *Your employer must provide at least a $10 monthly subsidy |