2019 Oregon Get There Challenge Results
October 7 - 21
what is the Get There challenge?
Discover healthy, green travel options for work, school, errands, and play - join the 2019 Oregon Get There Challenge Oct. 7-21! Burn calories instead of gas by biking to work or walking to the store. Divide the ride and the cost by carpooling or vanpooling. Take the bus and let someone else do the driving so you can listen to music or read a page-turning book. Then log your trips at GetThereOregon.org!
EXCLUSIVE WTA MEMBER PRIZESThe Get There Challenge spanned from October 7th to the 21st, with 2,269 participants statewide and 186 in Washington County. To increase the prize-winning odds of WTA's members, we randomly selected five winners for each week of the challenge to win $20 gift cards.
Prize winnersWeek 1 Winners: $20 Fred Meyer Gift Cards
Our week 1 winners included Alex and Melanie from Washington County, Michael and Douglas from Intel, and Jahmai from the City of Beaverton. These winners used a combination of biking, carpooling, and transit to reduce drive-alone trips.
Week 2 Winners: $20 Amazon Gift Cards
The winners from week 2 included Rebecca from the City of Beaverton, Laura from Intel, Chaz from Washington County, Oscar from Kaiser Permanente, and Tina from the City of Tigard. They logged bike, transit, and carpool trips.
Commute Story Contest: Michael, Intel
Social Media Contests
During the two weeks of the Challenge, WTA also conducted two social media contests, where two winners per contest won $5 Starbucks gift cards. Our Instagram winners were Emma and Courtney, and the Facebook winners were Tonya and Christine. Did you miss these contests? Make sure you follow WTA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay in the loop with us!